Valhalla & The Lord Of Infinity is an Adventure game, developed and published by Vulcan Software, which was released in 1994. We Have No FAQs/Guides/Maps - Be the first to submit one! Infinity Games webstore was created by gamers for gamers with the know-how and experience to help you purchase the products you want and need. Since 2010 our online webstore has brought you the right products at the right price, including just released. The game is available here. The sequel, titled Guns of Infinity, was released on March 25, 2016. A demo for the third game, Lords of Infinity, can be found here. It shares a universe with the webgame Shadow Regiment, which takes place in a non-canon alternate future.There you play as an operative of the titular Antari resistance movement blowing up supply depots in increasingly creative ways.
I've started work on Chapter 7 of Lords of Infinity this month, and I'm about halfway through it now. Chapter 7 is kind of an important section, both because it joins the two seperate plot threads which dominate the first half of the story, and sets up the events which directly lead to the climax in the final chapters.
The game is one big mishmash of both Infinity Gauntlet and Infinity War, which makes sense, considering Infinity Gauntlet wasn't really filled to the brim with villains to fight. I'm testing a lot of concepts and design ideas I plan on using for Lords of Infinity, like a random event system and some new mass-combat rules. By using a small project as a testbed, I can evaluate the value of those systems before I commit them to the 500-600k word behemoth Lords of Infinity is likely to be.
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